Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's gonna be a long day!

So today Andy works late and I'm already so sleepy and sore. Taylor's in a good mood, so far, so I'm really pleased with that. The good thing about him working late is I don't have to worry about dinner, it's a fast food night, yummy! I'm sooo looking forward to this Saturday! Andy and I are going on our first date since Taylor was born almost 14 months ago! We're going to get dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse (MMMM) and we're going to see Twilight. Everyone talks about it so I have to see it now LoL. I'm looking forward to being able to just sit and eat for once and actually be able to hold a conversation with Andy without "Taylor, don't throw the food on the floor", "She needs more to drink", "Don't throw your sippy down", "She needs more bites before we can finish", or her just fussing in general LoL! This may sound bad but what do I talk about with him other then Taylor, Rylie, money, bills, and items we need? That's all I've known for the past 13.5 months! This is why we really need this time... to respark our relationship. I don't want to let the romantic side of us dwindle down. Gotta keep the fires burning :p

1 comment:

Angela said...

Glad you had a good night!