Friday, December 5, 2008

Good day

Today has been a great day so far but it's still early. My back isn't hurting as badly as it usually does, Taylor's in an awesome mood, Andy starts his 3 day weekend when he gets home from work tonight, and I go on our date tomorrow! I got some Christmas money in the mail from my mom last night for an early gift and I went and bought Britney Spear's new CD... yeah I know LoL. It's actually pretty good! I haven't bought anything for myself in so long I didn't know what else to buy haha. I'm 25 weeks pregnant today and I can't believe how fast it's going. I feel like just yesterday I took my HPT and got a positive! 15 more weeks until I'm at my due date and I can't wait to go through labor and delivery again.. crazy I know, but it's such an amazing experience. Rylie is SOO active, I love it! Well, I'm off to go find recipes for dinner tonight... I'm thinking tacos though, yum!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's gonna be a long day!

So today Andy works late and I'm already so sleepy and sore. Taylor's in a good mood, so far, so I'm really pleased with that. The good thing about him working late is I don't have to worry about dinner, it's a fast food night, yummy! I'm sooo looking forward to this Saturday! Andy and I are going on our first date since Taylor was born almost 14 months ago! We're going to get dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse (MMMM) and we're going to see Twilight. Everyone talks about it so I have to see it now LoL. I'm looking forward to being able to just sit and eat for once and actually be able to hold a conversation with Andy without "Taylor, don't throw the food on the floor", "She needs more to drink", "Don't throw your sippy down", "She needs more bites before we can finish", or her just fussing in general LoL! This may sound bad but what do I talk about with him other then Taylor, Rylie, money, bills, and items we need? That's all I've known for the past 13.5 months! This is why we really need this time... to respark our relationship. I don't want to let the romantic side of us dwindle down. Gotta keep the fires burning :p

Monday, December 1, 2008

My first blog!

It's December 1, 2008 and I can't believe another year has already gone by. They say once you become a mom the time just flies by.. well they were right! Where did the last 13.5 months go? Taylor isn't a little baby anymore. It feels like just yesterday I left the hospital with her. I was so nervous and scared. I had never even held a newborn or even been around one and my thought was, "I have to take care of one?!" Well with each challenge came a victory and I managed just fine. Motherhood is A LOT harder then I ever could have imagined. I knew it would be tough but there are some days I feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. Then I look at her little smile, hear her adorable laughs, see how intelligent she's becoming, and stand in awe that she's MINE and that Andy and I made her. She's such a joy to me and I'd hate to know what life would be like without her here. I stare at her playing and sometimes feel overwhelmed with love and tear up... I love her so much it actually hurts. I have truly learned that the love for your children is unlike any other love in this world. Here I am pregnant again! 6 months to be exact! I have sure missed the movement and a lot of things that go along with pregnancy. Haven't missed all the aches, pains, fatigue, and breathlessness though! I must admit, I'm not looking forward to the late nights and the baby being gassy all while having an 18 month old. I knew what I was getting into and it's definitely what I want, I just know it's going to be hard work! I'm trying to get in all the sleep I can now, LoL. Well, I'll stop my novel here. I have killer heartburn and I want to lay down for a few minutes before Taylor wakes up from her nap :)